RES Magazine
“Resource” illustrations


Published between 1997 and 2006, RES Magazine was a bi-monthly lifestyle magazine covering film, music, art and design. For a while, each issue had a motto such as “Resistance,” “Respect” or, in our case, “Resource.”

We took the title quite literally and personally, and showed a library shelf filled with referential, inspirational, emotional and human resources. Some objects are parodic, such as the spoofs of the production company reels, some are imaginary, such as books we’d like to see published.

The library patrons were played by me and some of our frequent collaborators: Saiman Chow, Tim Koh, Jennifer Johnson and Ian Brook.


Client: RES Magazine, New York

Design: Brand New School, Los Angeles
Creative Director/Designer/Illustrator: Jens Gehlhaar
Designer: Sean Dougherty
Photographer: Ian Brook
Stylist: Jennifer Johnson